Monday, December 15, 2008

Dance Party

A much needed Playdate

This past Sunday Duluth was blessed with loads of snow. It was a beautiful weekend but didn't give Brinnon time to get out and play. Due to the snow and extreme cold temps the storm brought, all Duluth and surrounding area schools were cancelled today. Brinnon's good pal, Avery, didn't get to go to her school so instead got to come over and play. Right when B saw Avery, she got so giddy and excited to play with her pal. It was absolutely adorable. The girls are perfect playmates!
Brinnon bringing her toys to Avery
Looking up to Avery
Having a dance party

In Daddy's boots
Dying of laughter

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving or This one's for LoLo

pumpkin soup

doing a pretty good job

mom, give me the camera PLEASE! oh the tears...

Sunday, November 2, 2008


We've obviously stuck to the bug theme for Brinnon's halloween costumes. Hmmmm...I wonder what lies in store for her next year? She is quite the tropper and tolerated the costume extremely well. The Coop had a haunted house in the basement that we thought may be fun. There was a live folk band that Brinnon danced to...found a few instruments left out to play and enjoyed the bee get up as much as a one year old should!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


"the living together of unlike organisms".

Brinnon has become a huge fan of her pull toys. They have been her best friends these days. No doubt she then wants to share them with everyone in her life, including Mylo (the cat). What a lucky kitty! :)

Here's to Brinnon and Mylo figuring it out!

Last days at the beach

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Our friends gave this awesome shirt to Brinnon to help show her support to our presidential hopeful. B is very passionate about this election and is happy to wear this shirt as often as she can! Thank you Sandy!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

more camping shots

brinnon and rilopack of babes

super mom
weizel butt

Heydt/Weizel/Bartz Campathon

Here are some recent photos of Brinnon while we were hanging with the campers at Jay Cooke State Park. (GO Heydts and Weizels). B was not feeling up to it so we just did the day camping thing with her. Next year, though, we will partake in the full weekend deal.

Miss Maeva